Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Enjoy the Internet?

Must See PBS Program: The Net @ Risk

If you use the net, you must watch this documentary. The media companies want to control your Internet content the same way they control radio, TV and cable...we all know how well that has worked out. Most of the time on all 3 there is nothing but crap...

So why would we want the net to become the same way?

The future of the Internet is up for grabs. Last year, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) effectively eliminated net neutrality rules, which ensured that every content creator on the Internet-from big-time media concerns to backroom bloggers-had equal opportunity to make their voice heard. Now, large and powerful corporations are lobbying Washington to turn the World Wide Web into what critics call a "toll road," threatening the equitability that has come to define global democracy's newest forum. Yet the public knows little about what's happening behind closed doors on Capitol Hill.

More people must start speaking out or these companies will get their way. When they do, you will hate it. The airwaves and the net are the peoples and the companies that control them are making billions of dollars from our broadcast airwaves....

Why are our elections corrupt? Politicians must pay for media time. Those with the biggest pockets will get more exposure. So these politicians take serious money for campaign contributions for this media coverage. They then give these companies favors all the while screwing you....

If you do not think so, what are you paying for gas now then?

Think About It,
Dan the Man



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