Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Conspiracies, Not Voting, and the Such........

Well, my conspiracy friends who refuse to vote in a system that is corrupt tells me I have been brainwashed by the media for supporting Obama.

The same ones who claim that our own government flies planes above us and sprays the air with experimental drugs to test on us, even though the government is made up of humans who have to breathe the same air as you and I.

The same ones that claim some secret society called the Illuminati who has been able to stand the test of time and pass from generation to generation since the time of Jesus (thousands of years), will one day take over and create a New World Order. A New World Order where they will lock all of us up and we as humans will allow it.

The same ones who refuse to take part in a system to change it, but constantly complain about it.......

Well to me, I am not the one misled. Seems to me these guys lose balance and begin to believe EVERY lie told to them, just as Republicans believe other Republicans just because the information came from someone of the same affiliation.

I find many similarities between the Right and Conspiracy Fanatics. They both deal in fear. They both tell you horrible scary stories of what "may" be to get you to join them. They both only see black and white on every issue based on what they believe to be true. They both refute facts over their crazed beliefs. They both take words out of context to fit their cause.

So to me, it is the same shit, just a different group of people wanting you to join them in their cause.

What is sad, most of these conspiracy radio shows and websites are just entertainment. A way for people to make money off a small piece of of the population. That's all they are and some actually believe a lot of this bullshit.

I have a friend who heard on one show that they watch you through the TV. They can only do it if you have cable TV now, but if you do, watch out, b/c they are watching you in your living room. My father was a TV Technician. I have seen the inside of many TV's and what he claims is in the TV is not. He claims the little dot that reads your remote is where the camera is.

This same guy also claims they can hear you over the phone, EVEN IF IT IS HUMG UP! He actually unplugs his phone when you go over there so no one can hear you guys talk.

Need I say more why I find it hard to believe anything these individuals say?

The last thing that did it for me was the chem trails and the Reptilian aliens....if you think I am joking, Google Reptilians. There is some that believe that change shifters that are a reptilian race is here on our planet. They are purposely causing Global Warming b/c they are reptiles and need also are many people in our Government. Like Bush, Cheney...anyone who don't fit "their" agenda is a reptilian......

Just another way to place you in a group of people to better control you. While you think you are spreading truth, you are actually spreading fear and to me you are no better than the Republicans.......

You are more likely to be watched, or maybe not. Maybe they know you are busy chasing bs theories and they don't have to worry about you, b/c you are busy paying attention to shit that don't even matter.........

Imagine if you sepnt as much time on solutions as you do conspiracies, maybe we could make a difference that matters.

The last thing I want to say is I do not understand how anyone can complain and say its an evil system but not vote or take part to try and change it. To me that is the greatest of ignorance.....people wonder how BUSH was elected....well, with people not voting b/c they feel they can't make a difference, you understand why he won......

You cannot allow these races to be so close that it is decided by a few thousand votes. They cannot cheat in a landslide. How they gonna put someone else in office who no one voted for? In the 2000 election, half the country voted for Bush. It was easy to cheat us. Imagine if they tried that in 92....everyone would have know for a fact they were cheated out of Clinton. While we do need election reform, it is not to the point where you do not vote at all. If you do not exercise that right, you deserve what ever leaders and government you get!

It really is sad when we get leadership like Bush b/c it just gives these conspiracy guys more ammo to say, see I was right! Well, you are wrong, b/c every four years, if you contribute, you can make a difference. To give up is to let them win. Imagine if our forefathers had did the same..........

Wake up your eyes....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must agree with you. I had a person in my life that listens to "talk Radio" ALL day long, by the end of the day they would have themselves crazy. However, if you asked them if they were going to vote the answer is always no. I just do not get how people can live in this world & let other people lead & live thier lives for them? Sincerely, karrie.atune