Sunday, May 25, 2008

My View on Drugs.....

I have been getting emails asking about my drug references. I want to clarify, I do not do drugs, just smoke weed and to me weed is a plant.....Google it.

As Katt Williams says, it ain't no drug. Drugs you have to do things too. Weed just grows that way.

I think no kids who enjoy the scene should be doing the drugs like everyone else is. Especially the XTC. That stuff is made in labs by college kids and you never know what you are eating. Too dangerous.

Now I will not lie, I have taken XTC, but I do not suggest it to anyone. It is a horrible drug that has side effects that we do not truly know about yet. Shit, in a few years we may have a whole generation of adults with violent shakes. We do not know.......

Now, weed has been around for thousands of years, and until the industrial revolution was legal. During WW I & II farmers were ordered to grow it for rope and other things that could be made from it. It was big oil and big fabric companies that lobbied to get the plant illegal. It was corporate America's choice, not the people's that weed would become a drug.

To me, until you stop selling cigarettes, alcohol and other addictive, body destroying chemicals legally, you cannot tell me to not smoke weed. Weed is the less of my worries about what I have put in my body. Shit, some of the food I have eaten is probably more lethal than the weed.

So again, I do not do drugs..............just weed................and these damn cigarettes which are a REAL drug. Cigarettes are 17 times more addictive than heroin, and they are legal!

Dan the Man

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