Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Period of Consequence

I know I maybe somewhat behind....

But, I finally took the time to watch "The Inconvenient Truth" last night.

I wasn't one to really jump on the Global Warming issue but the impact of this movie and the facts presented are undeniable....especially if you have kids.

Economy or Environment?....mmmmm

People... you cant make money if you don't have a planet to live on...

Earth is alive, it breathes, it sustains us, and is so radiantly beautiful...

So are you....but if you fill your body with poisons you will suffer consequences....well so does earth...

We must take responsibility and we all need to contribute.

You might think there is not much you can do...but the truth is just being aware and educating yourself will help. Taking in and processing all of the knowledge on global warming helps us to become more consciously aware. Through this awareness, we can make steps towards conscious decisions and actions that will help slow the global warming process and maybe even in time heal it. No matter how little the effort...all effort will have an impact. Overtime our actions will have formed new friendly habits.

If you haven't seen this movie...please do!

and check the website..Climate Crisis it includes a list of small actions you can do to help contribute...for example if your not using it...TURN IT OFF!

Also, if you live in a city, try and get out and explore the nature and wonder of earth. The earth is so beautiful and WE are responsible for killing it... all for the pursuit of wealth....doesn't make much sense to me.

See the the research...educate the planet!

Much Love To You,

1 comment:

Kalki Maitreya said...

there is an emergence happening on this planet....a consciousness growing from all the thoughts and prayers of the people....they are crying out in the night for salvation....and this manifestation will appear in peoples day people will just wake up and understand...

Emerging The World...the Dawn Will Come.