Saturday, August 23, 2008

America, America....

America is just one party disguising as 2 parties. The democrats have done everything to make sure John McCain wins this year. I am starting to think the democrats are fake. Just there to scare you into voting for these right wing religious nuts.

The main issue they will use is abortion. In this country, if you are pro choice b/c you feel a woman should have the right to make her own mind up about what she should do with her body because we supposedly live in a "free" country, you are labeled pro abortion. The religious freaks have been brainwashed to believe we must protect every unborn life, all the while we allow thousands of babies and children to die everyday all over the world. We are all pro life except once the babies are born. Then they must fend for themselves. Most starve to death. Can you imagine what it is like to starve to death? Why do unborn children have more rights than those already here on the planet?

And while we are on a question for you Jesus fanatics. Don't you think if God gave out "God given" rights that they would be things like the right to food, or the right to shelter or the right to have health care so you don't get sick and die? God would not give you the right to own a fuckin' gun. How dumb are you religious people? Rights are imaginary!

Amazing how these religious nuts cannot see the forest for the trees.....

Obama picking Biden was a mistake. I like Biden, but out of all the candidates, we was not his best pick for a win. All I do know, is that McCain will destroy what is left from Bush and when it happens, I will be one of the ones laughing in your faces.

I imagine Americans like paying 5 bucks a gallon of gas. I guess they like having our troops killed in wars that have nothing to do with the security of the country. I imagine people like getting sick and hoping it is not too bad cause they can't afford a doctor. I imagine that Americans enjoy the losing of rights established by our forefathers......

Ha, Like Lennon, I just imagine........

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